

Ekelut : A bibliographic site about the Swedish poet and writer Gunnar Ekelöf founded by Peder Svend Pedersen; august 2007 Contact; Updated april 2020

ekelut.dk musik jan. 2010:

Ekelöf Compositions


ekelut.dk present juli 2012:



Turkey trip sept. 2010:

In GE's footsteps to Turkey


Poem and Name -register

Newspapers and periodicals

Recordings and Music




Late Arrival on the Earth. (Robert Bly & Christina Paulston), Rapp & Carroll, London, 1967, p. 41; Recitation: Robert Bly




I do best alone at night

alone with the secrets my lamp has

set free from the day that asks too much

bent over a labor never finished

the combinations of solitaire. What then

if the solitaire always defeats me

I have the whole night. Somewhere

chance is sleeping in the cards. Somewhere

a truth has been said once already

then why worry? Can it ever

be said again? In my absentmindedness

I will listen to the wind in the night

to the flutes of the corybants

and to the speech of the men who wander forever



   Foto: Berndt Klyvare            



Johan Cullberg (2012). En diktares kompost - om Gunnar Ekelöf. Natur och Kultur. 207 s.


Neal Ashley Conrad Thing (2011).

Nordens Fyrste. Fire essays og seksten

samtaler om Gunnar Ekelöfs liv og værk.

Multivers, 445 s. [Danish]


Gunnar Ekelöf (2011). [The Gunnar

Ekelöf world; Selected poems].

(Saleh Oweini). Kalima, Förenade

Arabemiraten, 150 p. [Arabic]


Gunnar Ekelöf (2011). La leyenda de

Fatumeh. (Francisco J. Uriz / Ilustrado:

Natalio Bayo). Nórdica Libros, 138 p.



Gunnar Ekelöf (2010). Virkelighedsflugt.

Karsten Sand Iversen, Anblik, 350 s.



Magnus Halldin et al. (2009). Ögonvittnen

om Gunnar Ekelöf. Ruin, 159 s.


Gunnar Ekelöf (2006). Dīwāntrilogin. (ill.

Lena Cronqvist) Langenskiöld, 437, [1] s.


Gunnar Ekelöf (2006). Non serviam.

(Francisco J. Uriz) Libros del

Innombrable, 386 p. [Spanish]






Gunnar Ekelöf (1907-1968)

 The Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelöf is a classic modernist in nordic literature, who say NO, to the institutionalize religion, social structure and science. 

 He believe in the lonesome man and the art of the impossible, turns to a virgin who is childless and mother of all.

 Introduce surrealism to Sweden in the 1930s, and work from modernism through the romantic and nonsense towards a figurative classic timelessness.

 Learned poetry, often dreamed, based on classic, Chinese, Indian, Arabic, Greek and Latin thought, mixed with experience from travels to the Mediterranean.

 This sites intention is to motivate absorption in the works through translation and bibliographic pin down of attach literature...

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